The best munchies for keto, paleo, and vegan diets

Also known as the hunter-gatherer diet, paleo encourages you to eat foods our ancestors would have enjoyed — grass-fed meat and eggs, vegetables, berries and nuts. It excludes grains, legumes, processed sugar and dairy (although some people include healthy full-fat dairy like kefir and natural yoghurt).

Studies of self-reported diet patterns have found that following the paleo diet is associated with lower heart disease risk factors. Try these delicious and filling recipes.

Don’t let the name scare you! We’ve all fallen victim to the late night sweet tooth rearing its ugly molar to drag us into the kitchen for any and all things glucose, and being stoned makes the temptation even  greater. When you need something sweet and quick but don’t want to break ketosis, these easy-to-make “fat bombs” pack sweetness, saltiness, and satiation into a handful of ingredients, including peanut butter, coconut oil, and unsweetened baking chocolate, all of which contain  minimal sweeteners and just a couple grams of carbs.

Best paleo munchies when stoned

The paleo diet reflects how human beings ate roughly 20,000 years ago during the Paleolithic era, also known as the Stone Age. The diet centers on meats, nuts, fish, eggs, and wild fruits and vegetables that were available before humans had started agricultural production. It omits grains, legumes, bread, sugar, processed foods, and dairy. People follow a paleo diet to help lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and to lose weight

Nut and trail mixes

Take yourself back to hunter-gatherer days by munching on some nuts and seeds. Nut mixes and trail mixes offer a reprieve from salty cravings, and most assortments found in stores are paleo-friendly. Just make sure the mix you pick doesn’t have oats or grains in it, and ideally no chocolate nibs. Dried fruit is okay. 

Biltong or beef jerky

shaved biltong jerky meat snack
(gillianvann/Adobe Stock)

Meat was once a complete meal for humans around the world. After years of scientific research, it’s become more apparent that perhaps it shouldn’t be.  Still, protein was always a huge part of the human  diet before the advent of farming and widely available carbs. Biltong is essentially seasoned beef jerky with a South African twist, prepared so that the final product is leaner and retains more moisture than a Slim Jim. These snacks are a great way to fill up between meals if you’re feeling peckish.   

Fruit salad

fruit salad bowl kiwi berries
(pilipphoto/Adobe Stock)

If you’re hankering for a sweet treat, do like our ancestors did and munch on some fruit. For thousands of years, human beings had no consistent source of sugar.  Yet in the modern era, study after study shows that human beings today consume way too much sugar, which can lead to increased risks of diabetes, heart disease, and even memory problems. Back in the day, our ancestors munched on fruits for a glucose fix, so cut up your favorite apples, peel some oranges, and throw in some berries for good measure.

Best vegan munchies when stoned

Veganism is a diet that excludes any food or food product derived from animals, even if they have been farmed or harvested by ethical means. This means no meat, dairy, eggs, bones, stock, honey, or gelatin. Veganism relies on plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains, and products made from plants. Modern veganism is often a reaction to the waste and cruelty of factory farming, and some people may choose veganism for health reasons or allergies. 


Surprised? One of the most versatile cookies available is also vegan—the icing and the cookie halves contain no animal products. Oreos are affordable, accessible, and available in a variety of types to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and other tasty cereals

set of different cereals on a white background. 20 bowls with cornflakes, kasha, cereals and berries. the concept of breakfast food. flat lay, top view
(EvgeniiAnd/Adobe Stock)

In almost every stoner movie or TV show, the main character will eat cereal at some point. This bodes well for vegans—most cereals are vegan. By swapping out dairy milk with  plant-based alternatives (oat, soy, almond, hemp, etc.), you can satisfy your sweet tooth in true Harold and Kumar fashion. 

Chips and salsa

A lot of these snacks reflect sugary and processed cravings, but there are plenty of healthy vegan snacks—in fact, most of the paleo and keto snacks are also vegan. To stay away from sugar, the classic combo of tortilla chips and a salsa of your choice makes a great fresh snack.

Amelia Williams

Amelia Williams

New York-based freelance cannabis journalist Amelia Williams is a graduate of San Francisco State University’s journalism program, and a former budtender. Williams has contributed to the San Francisco Chronicle’s GreenState, MG Magazine, Culture Magazine, and Cannabis Now, Kirkus Reviews, and The Bold Italic.

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Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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